
Scalp Care: Definitive Guide to Scalp Care | 7 Best Products

November 28, 2022

Scalp Care: Definitive Guide to Scalp Care | 7 Best Products

If you’re looking to learn more about scalp care, keep reading. This article covers everything you need to know about how to care for your scalp and the best products to use.


Do you want full, healthy, and visually appealing hair you can be proud of? You can get the kind of hair you have always wanted. However, you need to take good care of your scalp (and hair) to make that happen.

Are you dealing with some scalp issues? You’re not alone. We can relate to how discomforting it can be to have an itchy scalp and how embarrassing dandruff flakes falling onto your outfits is.

If you’re dealing with any scalp problems, we have good news for you. Learning how to care for your scalp is all you need to keep it healthy, avoid discomfort, enhance your confidence, and be on your way to getting the healthy and great-looking hair you have always dreamt of.

Chapter One

Why is Scalp Care Important?

Taking care of your scalp is crucial. It’s easy to forget the scalp since it’s a part of the body that most people don’t get to see often. However, not giving your scalp due attention is what leads to some common scalp problems, like itchiness and dandruff.

A healthy scalp lays the foundation for healthy hair, they say. You can’t enjoy healthy hair without a scalp that is properly cared for. That said, what does a healthy scalp look like?

How Do You Know Your Scalp is Healthy?

Your scalp is healthy if:

  • There is no redness
  • It’s not itchy
  • There are no scales or build-ups
  • It has no odor
  • Your scalp isn’t tender
  • It’s free of pain
  • There is no irritation
  • There are no bumps
  • And more

Benefits of a Healthy Scalp

Maintaining a healthy scalp comes with a lot of benefits. Let’s take a quick look at the key  advantages of taking good care of your scalp:

1. Healthy Hair Growth

To have good-looking hair you can be proud of, maintaining a good scalp care routine is the way to go. When you have one scalp problem or the other, it’s difficult to keep aesthetically appealing hair.

2. Prevention of Infection

Just like every other part of your body, the scalp can be infected. More often than not, scalp infection comes with symptoms that cause extreme distraction and discomfort. Your scalp has about 100,000 follicles according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association

The follicles secrete sebum, which moisturizes the scalp and wards off infection. The follicles have a microbiome.A healthy scalp prevents infection by keeping the production of sebum optimal and maintaining the microbiome’s balance.

It has been shown that causing an imbalance in the microbiome through poor scalp care habits can lead to scalp conditions, like dandruff, atopic dermatitis, and so on. 

How to Get a Healthy Scalp

Thinking of what it takes to have a healthy scalp? Here are the three major ways to keep your scalp healthy:

  • Maintain a Good Scalp Care Routine

Some habits can damage or predispose your scalp to infections. You must keep good scalp care habits, like washing at proper intervals, if you want a healthy scalp.

  • Use the Right Scalp Products

You need good scalp products to keep your scalp and hair in good shape. However, using ‘gentle’ products is crucial. With the right products, like moisturizers and shampoos for the scalp, you can quickly resolve scalp issues and restore your scalp’s health.

  • Home Remedies

Some proven DIY home remedies improve scalp health. However, we recommend you take a step further to learn more about the remedies before using them.

Chapter Two

Unhealthy Scalp: Signs, Causes, and How to Prevent it

Having covered what a healthy scalp is, its benefits and how to get it, we’ll explore the signs & causes of an unhealthy scalp and how you can prevent it.

Symptoms of an Unhealthy Scalp

It’s easy to know when you’re having scalp issues. Your scalp isn’t healthy if:

  • It’s itchy
  • Your scalp is giving you a burning sensation
  • There are bumps on the scalp
  • You have dandruff
  • You’re suffering hair loss
  • There is an unpleasant odor
  • There is extreme oiliness
  • And more

Causes of an Unhealthy Scalp

Many factors can lead to an unhealthy scalp. Understanding the common causes of a bad scalp will help you implement a better scalp health routine. Let’s take a quick look at a few causes of scalp issues.

1. Underproduction of Sebum

The scalp has thousands of hair follicles that secrete sebum, an oil that moisturizes the scalp and prevents infection. When there is an optimal secretion of sebum, infections are warded off and scalp health is maintained. 

Underproduction results in decreased ability to combat infections. On the other hand, over secretion could lead to extreme oiliness. These can be caused by external factors or internal factors - like an autoimmune condition. For proper functioning of the scalp, there needs to be a balance in the secretion of sebum.

2. Unfriendly Hair Products

Using harsh hair products is a leading cause of scalp problems. Some products are made with abrasive ingredients that can distort the production of sebum and also cause an imbalance in the hair follicle microbiomes. 

Both lower the ability of the scalp to combat infections and could lead to common scalp issues like dry scalp and dandruff. Before using a product, check the ingredients to ensure it doesn’t contain harsh elements.

3.Fungal Infections

Fungal infections are among the common causes of scalp issues. Every comprehensive scalp health strategy must include steps to ward off fungal infections. And this entails adopting a healthier lifestyle and improved hygiene.

4. Build-Ups Around the Hair Follicles

Poor scalp health leads to the clogging of the follicles. If not remedied on time, this can lead to breakage, dryness, inflammation, lack of new hair growth, and hair loss.

5. Pollution, Stress, Poor Diet

Prolonged exposure to pollutants, poorly managed stress, and poor eating habits can lead to scalp problems. While pollutants can act directly on your scalp, stress and poor diet can lower the ability of your immune system to fight scalp infections.

How to Prevent Unhealthy Scalp

You can prevent unhealthy scalp by giving attention to scalp health. To have a healthy scalp, you must be committed to taking care of it. There are two major things you must do: adopt a healthy scalp routine and start using high-quality hair products. You need a perfect combination of the two to maintain a problem-free scalp.

Chapter Three

9 Scalp Care Tips: How to Take Care of Your Scalp

As noted earlier, you must be willing to do the right things if having a healthy scalp is your goal. In this chapter, we’ll explore - in detail - how to care for your scalp. In addition to using the right hair products, there are other lifestyle modifications and factors to take note of. 

1. Understand Your Scalp Type

The first step is to understand what makes your scalp unique. Just like there are different skin types, your scalp may be different from that of others when it comes to some specific features. If you have a highly oily scalp, you may not need the same remedy as someone with a dry scalp.

2. Avoid Harsh Products

Stay away from products that contain harsh sulfates and other strong chemicals, especially if you already have a scalp problem. Strong elements are capable of distorting the microbiomes of the hair follicles. They also cause dryness of the scalp. Thereby decreasing the ability of the scalp to combat infections.

3. Wash at Moderate Intervals

Washing your hair too often can lead to dryness of the scalp. On the other hand, not washing as frequently as needed leads to build-ups. Experiment to find the washing frequency that perfectly suits you. As a general rule, wash at moderate intervals. And when you do, use scalp-friendly products.

4. Improve Your Daily Eating Habit

What you eat has a significant effect on your skin, including your scalp. A balanced diet will go a long way in improving your scalp’s health. A diet rich in fatty omega-3s, zinc, iron, etc., is known to enhance hair appearance and texture. 

Include supplements, nuts, fruits, and vegetables in your diet. All these will keep your scalp healthy and moisturized.

2015 study supports that fish oil supplements improve hair growth and strength. Women with self-perceived thinning hair were given a placebo or fish oil supplement (plus other active ingredients). Participants that were offered the supplement noticed enhanced hair health.

Another research done in 2015 reported the positive impact of omega-3, omega-6, and antioxidants on hair health. It involved women who had female pattern hair loss. For six months, they were given supplements containing antioxidants, omega-6, and omega-3. 

At the end of the study, they reported improved hair health and fuller hair.

5. Moisturize Always

Ensure your scalp is optimally moisturized always. Take this best practice seriously if your scalp is predisposed to becoming dry. Use our Scalp Revitalizing Tonic to keep your scalp moisturized. Moisturizing your head works hand in hand with sebum to ensure your scalp is protected from dryness and infections.

6. Use a Scalp Scrub

scalp scrub shampoo helps to get rid of excess skin cells, dandruff, oil, and other build-ups. Just like the face scrub, it has a physical or chemical exfoliant that removes build-ups. Removing them allows the follicles to grow hair better, faster, and thicker. Keeping your scalp free of impurities means that there isn’t anything blocking the hair follicles. As a result, your hair can grow faster and stronger.

In addition, the blood vessels that supply the scalp dilate when you use a scalp scrub. Improving blood flow to your scalp potentially boosts hair growth.

7. Manage Stress Properly

Being extremely stressed can affect the appearance of your skin - and also the scalp. Since your stress level is linked to the overall health of your body, reducing stress and giving more attention to rest can significantly improve your immune system. And enable your scalp to withstand infections and harsh environmental factors.

8. Proper Hygiene

Proper hygiene improves scalp health by warding off things like fungal infections. A good number of scalp issues are linked to fungal infections. These skin problems are generally difficult to treat. We recommend taking preventive measures to avoid coming down with fungal issues.

9. See a Dermatologist

Some scalp issues are caused by internal problems, like autoimmune diseases and microorganisms (as seen in fungal infections). You need the assistance of a medical expert if your scalp condition persists. 

Even though taking supplements is recommended. Desist from any form of self-medication. Consult your doctor before taking supplements.

Chapter Four

6 Scalp Care Home Remedies

Whether you’re dealing with an itchy scalp or a dry scalp, there are home remedies to help you reduce inflammation and itchiness. These are DIY (Do It Yourself) scalp treatments you can easily implement at home.

1. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a widely known anti-itch product. It’s believed to help treat dry and sensitive skin. You can use it to manage inflammation and other scalp conditions. It has astringent properties that may be helpful in treating dry scalp.

How to apply it: Mix liquid witch hazel (1 part) with water or carrier oil (2 parts). Next, massage it into your scalp. Allow it to work on your scalp for about 5 minutes. Wash it off properly and gently. 

2. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is used to improve scalp health, especially in the case of a dry scalp. It has antiseptic, antibiotic, and antifungal characteristics. So, it stands out as one of the natural remedies for improving scalp health. As a result, many shampoos have it as an active ingredient.

How to apply it: Apply a moderate amount of the oil and massage your scalp with it. You can also mix it with coconut oil or olive oil before application. Give it some time to work on your skin. Wash it off after 10 minutes.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is used for scalp health due to its anti-inflammatory and moisturizing features. Consequently, it can help minimize irritation and dryness of the scalp. You can either get it in hair care products as an active ingredient or as a standalone gel.

How to apply it: Apply it to your scalp and massage it properly. Allow it to work on your skin for about 10 minutes before washing. Taking aloe vera supplements or the juice are other options. However, we recommend that you speak with your doctor before opting for oral ingestion.

4. Jojoba Oil

Jojoba oil can be used in managing a dry scalp due to its moisturizing effect. It also has some anti-inflammatory properties, which could be useful in treating some scalp conditions. A study has shown that jojoba liquid wax can be helpful in skin hydration.

How to apply it: Jojoba oil often comes in liquid form. Add a few drops to your shampoo, especially if you’re dealing with a dry scalp. Jojoba oil adds a moisturizing effect to your shampoo - it improves hydration and minimizes the dryness caused by some shampoos.

Chapter Five

7 Best Scalp Care Products By Four Reasons

Looking for the best scalp products? Search no further! We have listed the top products for your scalp issues by Four Reasons, a leading beauty products brand with an exhaustive collection of high-quality products. 

1. Scalp Calming Shampoo

  • Helps to treat itchy scalp
  • Helpful against dry, sensitive, and flaky scalp
  • Moisturizes the scalp
  • Highly soothing
  • Natural betaine improves hair strength and appearance
  • Restores calm and gets rid of itching
  • Safe, 100% vegan, and meets European quality standards
  • The eco-friendly manufacturing process and recyclable packaging
  • Key ingredients include betaine, pea protein, piroctone olamine, etc.

2. Scalp Revitalizing Tonic

  • Ideal for treating dandruff, dry, irritated, or flaky scalp
  • Highly refreshing
  • Improves scalp health
  • Very soothing and moisturizing
  • Contains menthol that cools the scalp
  • It has a tea tree oil scent
  • Safe, vegan, and compliant with European standards
  • Produced via eco-friendly processes
  • Packaging is recyclable
  • Major additives include aloe vera, menthol, glycerin, and more

3. Scalp Scrub Shampoo

  • A highly effective exfoliating and moisturizing shampoo for scalp health
  • Gets rid of build-ups quickly
  • Helpful against dandruff
  • Good for treating flaky scalp or as a preventive product
  • It has a pleasant fragrance
  • Safe, 100% vegan, and compliant with European quality specifications
  • Manufactured using renewable energy and packaged with recyclable materials
  • Major ingredients include organic rice grains, lactic acid, etc.

4. Scalp Refreshing Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

  • Moisturizes and helps in treating flaky scalp and itching
  • Contains menthol that refreshes the scalp and leaves a calming, cool sensation
  • Comes with a pleasant herby citrus scent
  • Treats oily scalp, oily hair, and oily dandruff
  • Safe and 100% vegan
  • Compliant with European regulatory standards
  • Produced using sustainable processes
  • Packaged in a recyclable material
  • Pair with Scalp Refreshing Conditioner to improve your results

5. Scalp Care Shampoo

  • Good for treating dandruff and itchy, irritated scalp
  • Nourishes and prevents scalp problems
  • Contains menthol that refreshes and offers a cool feeling
  • Contains climbazole and piroctone olamine that is helpful against dandruff and itchiness
  • It has a refreshing menthol scent
  • Safe and 100% vegan
  • Packaged in recyclable material and produced using sustainable manufacturing procedures
  • Meets European quality assessments

6. Scalp Refreshing Tea Tree Oil Conditioner

  • Moisturizes and helps with a flaky scalp and itching
  • Contains menthol that refreshes the scalp and leaves a cooling effect
  • Nourishes and strengthens hair
  • Makes hair glossy, soft, and flexible
  • Comes with a refreshing, pleasant fragrance
  • Treats oily scalp, oily hair, and oily dandruff
  • For synergy, pair with Scalp Refreshing Shampoo
  • Safe and 100% vegan
  • Meets European quality requirements
  • Manufactured using sustainable procedures and packaged with recyclable materials

7. Scalp Care Bundle

  • Choose two scalp products and save 15%
  • The bundle includes Scalp Calming Shampoo, Scalp Refreshing Tea Tree Oil Shampoo, and Scalp Scrub Shampoo
  • You can pair products as you wish
  • Products meet European quality specifications
  • Vegan, eco-friendly, and packaged using recyclable materials

Keep Your Scalp Healthy With Four Reasons Scalp Care Products

Four Reasons scalp care products stand out as the best products you can use to get rid of scalp issues and maintain a moisturized, healthy scalp. In addition to scalp products, we also offer other types of top-rated hair products, including shampoosconditioners, and products specially formulated for hair treatmentstylingtoning, and frizz control.

We take pride in offering our customers an amazing shopping experience. Leverage our Bundle Builder Products package to save up to 20% and also enjoy free shipping on orders over $30. What else do you need? Get in touch with us now! We’ll be glad to attend to you and take the necessary steps to help you reach your scalp health goals.